Pete Ambidge - obituary
The Side is sad to share the news of the loss of our friend Pete Ambidge, a loyal supporter of Icknield Way Morris Men and the Wantage Mummers for 38 years.
Pete was one of our most experienced men and an excellent dancer who, in his time, took on the role of Fool, Foreman, Bagman and Squire. He was always interested in Folk and at one time lived next door to half of Cosmotheka before they became famous. He joined White Hart Morris Men in 1976 as an extension to these interests before moving to Oxfordshire and joining Icknield Way MM in May 1985. Pete was also an avid supporter of Wantage Mummers and organised the performances for many years.
Pete had a great singing voice and was always in much demand `post dance' for well-known songs, such as South Australia and the Hippopotamus Song, and singing in the Summer at St Edmund Hall (Teddy Hall), at Oxford May Morning. His ability to get an entire pub standing on their chairs by singing Sunshine Mountain was legendary and well reflects the spirit of The Morris. We will all miss him very much.
Pete's Morris and Mummers Photo Albums may be found here:
From the collection at the Memorial Service held on Tuesday, 30 January 2024, plus a contribution from IWMM, we have today (Saturday, 3 February 2024) made a donation to The Prospect Hospice at Wroughton of £400 in memory of Pete's thirty eight years outstanding service, friendship and contribution to our side.